Thursday, October 30, 2014


It was a shocking demise as one of Funai dogs departed in a mind blowing way. We still imaging why Funai brought in dogs into the school compound; dogs too frightening to behold. This isn’t a fallacy. Old and new students can give a crystal clear witness about the menace of those wide creatures teetered at strategic positions in the University.
It was on a cool evening, few weeks ago, when one of the dogs located by the entrance of the school back gate, got loosed and attacked Ikwo passers-by. Missing the human target, the dog attacked some sheep at the back gate and fed on it. The sheep gave up the ghost while the dog ran back to the school and gave up the ghost too.
But what caused the death of the dog? Is it a mythical taboo for a dog to eat the flesh of a sheep? These were the questions we were left with unanswered. Immediately, the Veterinary Doctor arrived the scene, loading the dog with several injections but to no avail.

It is still an issue to ponder on. An opinion to air, if possible to the Dean of student affairs. We imagine the kind of canned food bought periodically for these dogs with which they grow notorious. The picture above shows the canned food bought last week for the purpose of the feeding of the dogs. The weekly income allocated by the federal government to these dogs is enough to take care of myriads of students who slip garri in the hostel. We have long debated over the owner of the bags of rice and beans at one corner of the school auditorium, until we finally discovered that they were for the nourishment of the world class dogs. Mr. Ogbonna, one of the provision store owners at the back gate reported the magnitude of the ingredients they come to purchase for the preparation of the dog’s meal. Oh what a world class university, where dogs receive their monthly allowance.
Freshers, BEWARE OF WIDE DOGS!  Woh! Woh! Woh! Woh! Woh!
Thanks for reading Funai Land News.
By OMAKA (07030537705)

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